IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Network Address Translation (NAT)

This chapter describes Network Address Translation (NAT) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.001 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address - Prot= protocol Flg=x ip_flags Dir= direction

Long Syntax: NAT.001 Translating IP packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address; protocol: protocol flags: x ip_flags flow: direction

Description: Trace point for IP packets before being translated by NAT.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.002 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address - Status= status

Long Syntax: NAT.002 Translated IP packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address; packet status: status

Description: Trace point for IP packets after being translated by NAT.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.003 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address - ICMP Type= icmp_type,Code= icmp_code

Long Syntax: NAT.003 Translating ICMP packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address; ICMP Type icmp_type - Code icmp_code

Description: Trace point for ICMP packets before being translated by NAT.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.004 source_ip_address/ source_udp_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_udp_port - UDP

Long Syntax: NAT.004 Translating UDP packet from source_ip_address/port source_udp_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_udp_port

Description: Trace point for UDP packets before being translated by NAT.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.005 source_ip_address/ source_tcp_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_tcp_port - TCP

Long Syntax: NAT.005 Translating TCP packet from source_ip_address/port source_tcp_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_tcp_port

Description: Trace point for TCP packets before being translated by NAT.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: NAT.006 source_ip_address/ source_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_port - protocol (x specific_datax)

Long Syntax: NAT.006 Translating packet from source_ip_address/port source_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_port, protocol protocol, data x specific_datax

Description: Trace point for higher layer protocol packets before being translated by NAT. For FTP, the specific data is the current data delta from any previous translation. For DNS, the specific data is the number of RRs (in the upper word), and the flags fields from the DNS Header (in the lower word).



Short Syntax: NAT.007 source_ip_address/ source_tcp_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_tcp_port - No mem for TCP entry

Long Syntax: NAT.007 No memory available to create new TCP session entry from source_ip_address/port source_tcp_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_tcp_port

Description: No memory is available to create a new TCP session entry for NAT.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration.

Action: Upgrade for more memory, or reduce configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.008 Private= private_ip_address Public= public_ip_address - TCP entry not deleted

Long Syntax: NAT.008 Given TCP entry (PrivateIP= private_ip_address, PublicIP= public_ip_address) not found and deleted from TCP session list

Description: A given TCP entry was not found and could not be deleted from a list of active TCP sessions being monitored by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.009 source_ip_address/ source_ftp_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_ftp_port - FTP/TCP not tracked

Long Syntax: NAT.009 Active FTP session from source_ip_address/port source_ftp_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_ftp_port not being monitored by NAT

Description: An active FTP session is not being monitored by NAT. NAT should monitor all active TCP sessions when NAPT is in use.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.010 source_ip_address/ source_ftp_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_ftp_port - FTP <host-port> trans fail - state= tcp_state

Long Syntax: NAT.010 Translation of FTP <host-port> string failed for session from source_ip_address/port source_ftp_port for destination_ip_address/port destination_ftp_port - TCP State tcp_state

Description: An invalid <host-port> string was encountered by NAT in an FTP PORT or PASV command.

Cause: A misbehaving FTP application or corrupted FTP data received in an IP packet.

Action: Check network and FTP application integrity.



Short Syntax: NAT.011 Bad FTP <host-port> string: ftp_host_port_string

Long Syntax: NAT.011 NAT tried to translate an invalid FTP <host-port> string: ftp_host_port_string

Description: An invalid <host-port> string was encountered by NAT in an FTP PORT or PASV command.

Cause: A misbehaving FTP application or corrupted FTP data received in an IP packet.

Action: Check network and FTP application integrity.



Short Syntax: NAT.012 base_ip_address- range_mask - No mem for NAT range entry

Long Syntax: NAT.012 No memory available to create new Translate Range entry for Base Address base_ip_address Mask range_mask

Description: No memory is available to create a new Translate Range entry for NAT.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration.

Action: Upgrade for more memory, or reduce configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.013 Bad Reserve Pool: pool_name, starting_ip_address, pool_mask, pool_size: error_msg

Long Syntax: NAT.013 NAT Reserve Pool pool_name misconfigured: StartAddr= starting_ip_address Mask= pool_mask Size= pool_size: error_msg

Description: An invalid value for a reserve pool was encountered during NAT initialization.

Cause: Either no pool size, no pool mask, or a duplicate reserved address was configured for a NAT Reserve Pool.

Action: Correct the NAT configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.014 Multiple NaptAddr ReservePool: pool_name, napt_ip_address, napt_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.014 NAT Reserve Pool pool_name configured with multiple NAPT addresses: NaptAddr= napt_ip_address NewNaptAddr= napt_ip_address

Description: Multiple NAPT addresses for a single reserve pool were encountered during NAT initialization.

Cause: Multiple NAPT addresses were configured for NAT. Only one is allowed.

Action: Correct the NAT configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.015 pool_name - No mem for Reserve Pool entry

Long Syntax: NAT.015 No memory available to create new Reserve Pool entry for Pool pool_name

Description: No memory is available to create a new Reserve Pool entry for NAT.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration.

Action: Upgrade for more memory, or reduce configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.016 pool_name - Reserve Pool entry not deleted

Long Syntax: NAT.016 Given Reserve Pool pool_name not found and deleted from Reserve Pool list

Description: A given reserve pool was not found and could not be deleted from a list of reserve pools being kept by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.017 pool_name <- base_ip_address - Assoc Reserve Pool not found for NAT range

Long Syntax: NAT.017 Associated Reserve Pool pool_name not found for configured Translate Range base_ip_address

Description: A translate range was encountered during NAT initialization that does not have an existing associated reserve pool.

Cause: A range of IP addresses eligible for NAT was configured with an associated reserve pool that does not exist.

Action: Correct the NAT configuration.



Short Syntax: NAT.018 ip_address - not removed from Reserve Pool

Long Syntax: NAT.018 Given IP Address ip_address not found and removed from Reserve Pool list

Description: A given public IP address was not found and could not be deleted from a list of available reserved IP addresses being kept by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.019 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address - NAT not enabled

Long Syntax: NAT.019 Request to translate IP packet from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address, but NAT not enabled

Description: A possible NAT configuration error has caused NAT to not become enabled. Thus, although access controls has indicated to translate packet, no translation performed.

Cause: Possible NAT configuration error.

Action: Recheck the NAT config and correct any errors/inconsistencies.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.020 Private= private_ip_address - no BasicNAT addr avail for non-TCP/UDP pkt

Long Syntax: NAT.020 Private IP Address private_ip_address trying to use Basic NAT for a non-TCP/UDP packet, but none available

Description: A non-TCP/UDP session initiated from the private network tried to use NAT but no Basic NAT public IP addresses were available for use.

Cause: No public IP addresses were available for use by NAT.

Action: Configure more public IP addresses for NAT to use.



Short Syntax: NAT.021 Private= private_ip_address - no Assoc Reserve Pool for NAPT

Long Syntax: NAT.021 Private IP Address private_ip_address trying to use NAPT but does not have an associated Reserve Pool

Description: A session initiated from the private network was mapped by NAT to use a NAPT address but no associated reserve pool was given for use.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.022 Private= private_ip_address - no BasicNAT/NAPT addr avail for use

Long Syntax: NAT.022 Private IP Address private_ip_address trying to use Basic NAT or NAPT, but none available

Description: An IP packet received from the private network tried to use NAT but no Basic NAT or NAPT public IP addresses were available for use.

Cause: No configured public IP addresses were available for use by NAT.

Action: Configure more public IP addresses for NAT to use.



Short Syntax: NAT.023 direction/Hash= hash_value - no 1st entry to remove

Long Syntax: NAT.023 No NAT entry to remove from the direction NAT Table at position hash_value

Description: A given NAT entry was not found and could not be deleted from a list of entries being kept by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.024 Private: private_ip_address/ private_port, private_pool_name<->Public: public_ip_address/ public_port, public_pool_name - static map failed: reason

Long Syntax: NAT.024 Static mapping (Private: private_ip_address/ private_port,pool= private_pool_name<->Public: public_ip_address/ public_port,pool= public_pool_name) failed: reason

Description: A static mapping was encountered during NAT initialization that failed. The mapping may conflict with the configured reserve pools associated with the private IP address being mapped. Or one of the given addresses may already be bound.

Cause: Invalid static mapping was configured for NAT.

Action: Correct the NAT configuration.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.025 proxy ARP rsp for NAT: ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.025 Proxy ARP for NAT is responding to an ARP request for IP address ip_address

Description: The Proxy ARP for NAT is responding to an ARP request for an IP address that NAT has reserved.



Short Syntax: NAT.026 ip_address/ port_number - duplicate key added direction

Long Syntax: NAT.026 A duplicate key (IpAddr= ip_address/Port= port_number) has been added to the direction NAT Table

Description: A duplicate NAT entry was added to a list of entries being kept by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.027 ip_address/ port_number - entry not removed direction

Long Syntax: NAT.027 Given NAT entry (IpAddr= ip_address/Port= port_number) not removed from the direction NAT Table

Description: A given NAT entry was not found and could not be deleted from a list of entries being kept by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.028 Private: private_ip_address/ private_port Public: public_ip_address/ public_port - no mem for entry

Long Syntax: NAT.028 No memory available to create new NAT entry for Private private_ip_address/port private_port - Public public_ip_address/port public_port

Description: No memory is available to create a new translation entry for NAT.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration/traffic load.

Action: Upgrade for more memory, or reduce configuration/traffic.



Short Syntax: NAT.029 No NAT entry given to unbind

Long Syntax: NAT.029 No NAT entry given to removed from the NAT Table

Description: No NAT entry was given to delete from the NAT Table.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: NAT.030 ip_address/ port_number - STATIC entry being unbound

Long Syntax: NAT.030 Statically defined entry ( ip_address/Port= port_number) is trying to get unbound

Description: A static mapping is trying to be unbound by NAT.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.031 ip_address/ port_number - unbound direction

Long Syntax: NAT.031 Given NAT entry (IpAddr= ip_address/Port= port_number) removed from the direction NAT Table

Description: A given NAT entry was found and deleted from a list of entries being kept by NAT.



Short Syntax: NAT.032 NAT init failed

Long Syntax: NAT.032 Initialization of NAT failed

Description: A failure occurred while NAT was initializing its internal data structures.

Cause: Configuration error or internal NAT processing error.

Action: Check the ELS messages that appear prior to this one to get a better indication of why initialization failed.



Short Syntax: NAT.033 Return of NAT mem failed

Long Syntax: NAT.033 Returning of all NAT memory failed

Description: A failure occurred while NAT was returning its memory back to the system.

Cause: Internal NAT processing error.

Action: Check the ELS messages that appear prior to this one to get a better indication of why the return of memory failed.



Short Syntax: NAT.034 No mem for frag chain fragment_id: source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.034 No memory available to track new IP fragment chain fragment_id from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address

Description: No memory is available to create a new IP fragment entry for NAT.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration.

Action: Upgrade for more memory, or reduce configuration.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.035 1st frag lost in chain fragment_id: source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.035 The first IP fragment packet was assumed to be lost for chain fragment_id from source_ip_address for destination_ip_address

Description: The first IP fragment packet in a chain of fragments was lost.

Cause: Packets are being lost in the network.

Action: Check network performance and look for areas of congestion.



Short Syntax: NAT.036 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address - Cannot trans pkt using frag fragment_chain_key

Long Syntax: NAT.036 Cannot translate packet from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address using tracked IP fragment for fragment_chain_key

Description: NAT is unable to translate an IP packet using info saved from a tracked fragment chain.

Cause: Internal NAT error.

Action: Check NAT configuration. If valid, contact customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.037 track frag chain fragment_id/ source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.037 NAT is tracking fragment chain fragment_id from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address

Description: NAT is starting to track a fragment chain.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.038 saving frag fragment_id/ source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.038 NAT is saving a fragment fragment_id from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address

Description: NAT is unable to process the current fragment due to missing information from the first fragment. NAT is saving the current fragment waiting for the first fragment to arrive.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.039 freeing saved frag fragment_id/ ip_address saved port saved_port

Long Syntax: NAT.039 NAT is freeing saved fragment fragment_id from ip_address saved port saved_port

Description: NAT is freeing a saved IP fragment.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.040 process saved frag fragment_id/ ip_address saved port saved_port

Long Syntax: NAT.040 NAT is processing saved fragment fragment_id from ip_address saved port saved_port

Description: NAT is processing a saved IP fragment.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.041 stopped tracking frag chain fragment_id/ ip_address saved port saved_port

Long Syntax: NAT.041 NAT is stopping tracking of fragment chain fragment_id: ip_address saved port saved_port

Description: NAT is no longer tracking IP fragment chain.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.042 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address: modified IP option x ip_option

Long Syntax: NAT.042 NAT modified packet going from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address with IP option x ip_option

Description: NAT has modified the IP addresses contained within an IP header option field.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.043 source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address: dropped because of IP option x ip_option

Long Syntax: NAT.043 Packet from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address was dropped by NAT because of IP option x ip_option

Description: An IP packet with IP options tried to use NAT but no Basic NAT public IP addresses were available for use.

Cause: No public IP addresses were available for use by NAT.

Action: Configure more public IP addresses for NAT to use.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.044 source_ip_address/ source_port -> destination_ip_address/ destination_port: delta: data_delta, modified FTP data: ftp_data

Long Syntax: NAT.044 NAT modified FTP data going from source_ip_address/ source_port to destination_ip_address/ destination_port with delta data_delta, FTP data ftp_data

Description: NAT has modified FTP data within a TCP packet.



Short Syntax: NAT.045 dup 1st pkts in frag chain fragment_id( saved_port): source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.045 NAT has received duplicate 1st packets in fragment chain fragment_id (saved port saved_port) from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address

Description: NAT has received duplicate 1st packets in a fragment chain.

Cause: Packets getting corrupted in the network.

Action: Check network and network devices.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.046 description: private_ip_address to public_ip_address

Long Syntax: NAT.046 NAT modified data: description: from private_ip_address to public_ip_address

Description: NAT has translated IP addresses within the IP data.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.047 Private= private_ip_address Public= public_ip_address - TCP entry deleted

Long Syntax: NAT.047 Given TCP entry (PrivateIP= private_ip_address, PublicIP= public_ip_address) deleted from TCP session list

Description: A given TCP entry was found and deleted from a list of active TCP sessions being monitored by NAT.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: NAT.048 NAT dropping packet: reason

Long Syntax: NAT.048 NAT dropping packet: reason

Description: NAT is dropping IP packet for stated reason.

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